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2003-11-24 @ 10:44 a.m.

what a great sunday

Sunday was a glorious day. I didn�t get to bed till 5am so I decided to stay in bed till 2pm. Finally decided I should get up and got ready to go to Rich�s house for my first Thanksgiving dinner of the week. Rich said we were eating at 4:30, but we didn�t sit down to eat until 6:00pm � and even though I was starving by then, I was proud of myself on my portion control. Then I left at 7:00 to go to rehearsal which was very productive. We learned Hooverville and then Mark, Eye and I reviewed Easy Street which we are all just too friggin funny in. How the 3 of us are ever gonna get thru that number without laughing at each other is beyond me! Anyhoo, I bring Eileen and we get back to Rich�s at like 8:15 just in time for dessert. Once again, very proud of myself. I had a sliver (and I mean sliver � prob no fatter than the width of a cd case) of the pumpkin pie and this amazing and outrageous coconut cream cheesecake. Holy shit was that good � thank you thank you thank you Tina�s mom! That woman can bake (flashback to Footloose cast party and that snickers pie thing � yum). Anyway we were all just hanging and having a really nice time. Next thing I know it�s 11:15 and def time to go home. On my way home I pick up my phone (which I left in the car and was just too lazy to go out and get) and I have a message. Yay. I love messages. It�s Jenn telling me that Randal was IMing her to find out if we still wanted tickets to LM this weekend and she didn�t know what to say to him so she told him she had to speak to me. LOL. So when I got home I made the dec that this weekend is just not going to be good to go to Boston. First of all � it�s expensive enough as it is to go to Boston, let alone last minute on a holiday weekend. And right before Christmas, it is not the right thing for me to do right now. If I wanted to be truly selfish, I would go in a heartbeat. But I need to buy Christmas and Hanukkah presents � so no. And I should use some of the time to learn my lines and dances and for Annie. I don�t have a lot of lines � but I�m really slow at learning them and I haven�t looked at the 2 Mudge scenes yet. And I have to learn the words to the songs so that I can remember what steps go where! LOL. And now I found out that an old friend from college who lives in NC is coming up here this weekend and would like to get together � which will be really nice. Marc was a good friend. I can�t believe he�s a teacher and married with 2 little girls. Hopefully we can all meet up for a bit this weekend. Ugh, and my nails are a mess � those too must be done sometime this week as well.

Saturday night I said various forms of �yeah ya did� and it was just so sad that it went unappreciated. LOL.

Okay, I�m done writing for now.

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