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2003-11-28 @ 12:50 a.m.

They weren�t gonna eat RUPERT�s fish.

If you watch Survivor, you know what my title (and last line of this entry) means.

Today was Thanksgiving and it was truly a beautiful day for me. It started last night with getting to hang out with my brother and just having a genuinely nice time. Then today I slept till 10:30, watched some of the parade, got up and helped my mom a bit, went on the treadmill for 20 minutes, watched Santa at the end of the parade to ring in the Christmas season, showered, hung with family, ate, watched Survivor, napped for a long time with Eddie, went to Donna and Jerry�s and had one of the nicest nights I�ve had in a long time (there was really only one person that wasn�t there that I would have liked there to make it perfect � ooo, and I ALMOST got away with the corn � dman!). Today was a day filled with good friends, good family and good food. I am truly blessed.

Now I�m home and my weekend looks like a lot of really not doing much. This is what my weekend plans are for right now:

Tomorrow (which is really today, Friday, already): sleep late, go the gym, get a car wash, nap, go see �It�s A Wonderful Life� with Marilyn.

Saturday: sleep late.

Sunday: sleep late, go see an afternoon showing of �Gothika� with Rachelle, rehearsal at 7:00pm.

Hmmm. I only have a few days to finish my Christmas List � I gotta get crackin on that�.

� And that bucket was so heavy �

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The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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