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2003-12-30 @ 9:52 p.m.

Fonzie got more ass than toilets

Entry #2 today:

Dang! I haven�t updated since Christmas Eve�that�s a longass time for me not to update. Lets see, anything good happen. Um, no, not really.

Christmas Eve had some traditional chinese food with the fam. Went to Eddie�s to open gifts with his family (b/c yes, they still consider me part of his family and my family considers him�I know, I know�it�s all sorts of weird) ANYHOO� Got a beautiful gold, diamond and ruby necklace from Zale�s from Eddie and some gift cards from his family. Mom and I went to church at 11pm � but it�s a new Pastor b/c they MADE Pastor Howard retire b/c of his age. This new guy is boring and looks older than Pastor Howard looks! And the service is usually this really pretty service where there isn�t really �preaching� but mostly prayers and a lot of singing. This year it sucked. We got a long sermon (boring). The choir did all the singing (annoying). And we only sang 3 songs! 3 songs in the entire hour. Ugh. Not fun at all. Christmas Day I was woken up at 8:30am. WTF??? I�m the youngest one in the house and I�m 33! I did not need to be up at 8:30am. Oh well. Opened gifts from Santa with mom, dad, the grandmas and Frankie. We made traditional Dezego Christmas morning breakfast (yum). Eddie came over and got my fam�s gifts for him then we all headed out to my aunt and uncles for more eating and presents. Then we went to his brother�s house to eat some dessert and chill with his immediate family for a while. I was home by 7:30pm (well, home as in D&J�s). Just enough time to get into so jammies, make some popcorn and hot chocolate, settle in on the couch with the pillows and blanket and the cat and watch Oklahoma! on PBS with Hugh Jackman. Dman he is hot�and sings�and dances. Merry Christmas to me! LOL.

Friday was restful and fun.

Saturday did 2 shows of Annie as Hannigan and I have to say I did really well. Hahaha. Saturday night a few of the adults chilled at Kenny�s afterwards and I had a really good there. It was just a nice, fun and relaxing night. Only person missing was Jeannine : (

Sunday I had Ragtime from 12-8, but I left at 1:15 to go pick up D&J from the airport. We went back to their house and the friends started arriving at 6pm so we could have our belated Christmas friends opening presents and hanging. It was really nice. I know Donna and Jerry had a really rough week, and especially rough couple of hours before the peeps arrived and I give them kudo�s for dealing with all us. I hope we helped them get their minds off things for just even a little bit. I got some good stuff. Donna gave me a box of WW stuff! Woo hoo! Broomer gave me some stuff for our trip to London. Maz got me crackle earrings � she�s so cool she remembered that from the Ren Fest. Eye gave really cool jammies � and they are red! I hope they fit�I�ll have to remember to try them on tonight!

Monday was back to work � ugh. And Ragtime rehearsal. Then I couldn�t get to sleep so I watched The Kuma Sutra � which had a really sucky ending � till 2:30am. I think I tossed and turned for like 15 more min before I finally fell asleep. The alarm really sucked at 6:30 this morning. Oh, I totally forgot to weigh in on Friday so I went Monday b/c I was literally freaking out about not weighing in. I gained 1.8 lbs. Not too bad considering all I did all week was shovel food into my mouth and it was the day before my period came. I will remember to weigh in this Friday. These holiday�s falling on Thursdays (my usually meeting/weigh in day) is throwing me off. Grrrr. LOL.

I ordered the airline tickets for me and Paula for STL. The tickets had been sitting at $325.50 each since we started looking in July. In November they went up to $335.50. Yesterday they were $257.50 so I jumped on them and reserved them. Then I have 2 $100 vouchers � $50 of which I gave to Paula b/c I�m cool like that. So my ticket is $107.50 and Paula�s is $207.50. Pretty cool.

OH! And I am a becoming the biggest Degrassi geek. For Christmas I got the VHS box set of the original Degrassi High (14 hours of video! � they don�t make it on dvd). Then this past weekend they played ever episode of Degrassi: The Next Generation. I taped them ALL!!! Actually, I missed like 4 of them, but I�ll get 3 of them Jan 10 and 11. I�m only missing one � How Soon Is Now � from Season 3. I can�t find where they are playing it on N anytime. GRRR. Now I just have to find out when they will start playing new ones again and remember to find a time when I�ll be home to record them all! I need to find someone who has the box set of Degrassi Jr High and see if they would like to trade�.hmmmm.

And now, its now, and I just took a 2 hour nap which is prob gonna suck for me trying to go to sleep tonight again.

And now, I�m caught up and done. TA DA

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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