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2004-01-15 @ 10:55 a.m.

fishtailing is not fun

I�m pissed. Last night driving home from rehearsal I get all the way to Penn Blvd and about 50 yard from Ocean Ave (so I�m like 5 min from home � well, 10 in the weather last night) and my car fish tails (now mind you I�m in 4Wheel drive so I�m like WTF???) but I straighten out without hitting anything or anyone. As soon as I do I start to fish tail the other way (damn friggin S curvey road) and this time I don�t quite get control of the car and I end up hitting the metal guard rail road divider with the front right of my car. Now, it would be so bad if was just the front right fender that cracked. Oh no, my special talents brought it further and got the front bumper as well. So now this is gonna cost more than $500, which means I have to make a claim on my insurance. Grrr. Only good thing is that I am claim free and it will be under $2K so my insurance premium should not be affected by it. Ugh. So now I have to get up early on Sat morning to bring my car to a shop to get an estimate. My neighbor owns a shop so I�m bringing it to his. Hopefully he can cut me a deal � or at least bang out the 2 little dents in my rear door that have mysteriously appeared when I get out of work that weren�t there when I went to work (that was not yesterday however � those happened over the past few months). I do not have $500 to cover my deductible. I�m in trouble.

Then this morning my boss does not call to cancel work (b/c he�s an ass) and it takes me 1 hour and 25 min to drive my normal 45-50 ride to work. It was fun watching cars fishtail around me. And esp fun when I fishtailed once again about 2 blocks from work. But that was just a little one and my car stopped and no hitting anything or anyone this time. Then he muther F�in ass doesn�t show up till 10am. If he thinks I�m making up the 45 min I was late he can kiss my big fat white ass.

Can I go home yet??

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