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2004-02-17 @ 11:54 a.m.

Everyone deserves a chance at happiness

Marriage is love.

Everyone deserves a chance at happiness�.

So my weekend was pretty cool. Friday night Rick Lawrence came to see Ragtime and it was great to hang out with him. We haven�t hung out in a long time and I do really miss him. After the show he came to the diner with us and then after the diner Rick and I sat in the car and talked for a while. And although I love the goofy fun loving guy that Rick is 95% of the time, our love our quite moments together when I get some time with the other side of him, the side that makes you realize how wonderful he really is.

Saturday I blew off everything I wanted to do in the afternoon and basically slept in late (due to being out too late Fri night and then reading till much later). Jenn came to the show Sat night and hung out with the cast afterwards which was cool of her. She got to put some faces to names now�lol.

Sunday the fam came to the show as well as Ro, Maz, Carl and Paula and Anne. Woo hoo. As Donna and I are talking with my mom someone comes up inbetween us and puts her arms around us and say �Hey you guys!� We turn around and it is K.C. (although now she goes by her first name Kin). D and I were wenches with her for 2 years at the Ren Fest. She is good friends with the Westchester connection in Ragtime. How small of a world is that. So crazy. She looks exactly the same. She took Donna�s cell phone and hopefully we can all hook up some time. After the show we (Ro, Maz, Carl, Paula, Donna, Jerry, Anne and myself) went to Christiano�s in Syosset where there was good food, friends and fun (not necessarily in any particular order). I truly love my friends. There is a reason why we have all been friends for over 7+ years now. Got home and watched the 2nd to last Sex in The City on HBOWest at midnight, went to bed and read for far too long and went to sleep with some NyQuil.

Monday Rachelle and I went to see �50 First Dates� (and again I apologize to Donna, I really don�t recall her saying she was interested in going b/c if I did recall it, I def would have called her to go with us). It was a cute little movie that I really enjoyed. If you haven�t seen it and plan on seeing it, SKIP THE REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH although I won�t give away too much on the details. I had the fear that it was going to too much like �Ground Hogs Day� when they first tell you the main concept of the movie. But then I thought that since Drew and Adam produced this, this couldn�t be the same ol same ol � and I was not disappointed. They found a way to have a great ending, without giving into the �perfect ending� � they found a way to work with the problem instead of miraculously just solving it. Yay for integrity � esp in a romantic comedy. What I didn�t get was all the parents who brought their 10 year olds and younger to the theatre. Granted the movie is PG13 but come on. These kids don�t know whats going on. And it�s an Adam Sandler, you know its not gonna be a �clean cut� kinda movie and it wasn�t. There were a lot of sexual remarks. As a matter of fact, when the movie was over, the mother who was sitting behind us with her 6 mo old and her 9 year old turns to the 9 year old and says �did you like the movie?� and the 9 year old turns to her mom and says �I didn�t understand it�. Well NO SHIT she didn�t understand it. She is too young. And I�m sure that all the other kids who were about her age and at this movie (which was like � the audience) didn�t get it. Would you take your child to an Adam Sandler movie??? And we wonder why are kids are so friggin fucked up so early. Jeez. I hope that kid turned around and asked her mom what a shlong was b/c it was said like 5 times in the movie. Anyhoo! Then last night I watched �The Littlest Groom�, �My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance� and �Average Joe 2�. That�s a whole lot of reality dating programs in one night, but yet so much fun. TLG just entertained me � although it is not fair that they only get 2 episodes while other reality dating shows get a bunch. Little people are so entertaining. I don�t mean in a mean way at all. I jut can�t imagine having to go thru like like that. Although I must admit the bachelor on the show is a very good looking guy and very funny and some of the little women are very pretty. MBFOF is just a riot to me, although the girls family was pissing me off last night. Her 2 brothers are being complete and utter dicks and it was pissing me off (I know, it�s only TV). And Average Joe 2 I really hope she goes for one of the 2 remaining average Joe�s as opposed to the �hotties� they bring on as the �twist�. If she doesn�t pick Fredo I�M gonna go after him myself. I am all about Fredo. Where do I get me one of him???

Today my boss is being a complete ASS. I don�t know the heck is stuck up his ass but he better get it out soon b/c I might have to shove it up further so that it comes out his mouth.

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