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2004-03-22 @ 12:32 p.m.

good weekend.

Friday night I actually stayed in and it was glorious! I did a little shopping at L. Bryant. Then I rented a few movies and got some Taco Bell and some TCBY. I chatted with Jenn longer than I planned so I only got to watch one movie (School of Rock) which I loved. However, I was up till like 4 am so waking up at 10am to go the gym was rough, but I did it! Go me! Then I had lunch with Eddie and we attempted to exchange my necklace that he bought me for Christmas. He didn�t tell me until we were at the mall that he threw the gift receipt out � up until the other night he still had it as far as I knew. I was so pissed. Grrr. And not I have a necklace, that although is beautiful, is too short for me and something I would never wear and I don�t know what to do. Bugger. Than Sat night I went to see Les Mis and it was sooo good. OMG! Kenny was absolutely fabulous. I loved him. I felt so proud of him! Those schools are crazy for not accepting him. The Thenardiers were so friggin hysterical. I enjoy them funny and not sinister. The show is so dark that it needs that little bit of a break. Then we boogied down to Bogey�s for some cock-a-teals before Debbie Does Dallas. 3 shots and a beer later I am sitting 3rd row center for a very interesting show. I mean, it�s not the best written script �it�s based on a porn so I know I shouldn�t expect much. I wasn�t thrilled when I saw the original production. The cast did a great job though. The girl playing Debbie was perfect for the part. The girl playing Lisa was too skinny � funny, but way to skinny. I wanted to give her some chocolate and cake or something. There were some, um, flubs�but it was fun and there were some very funny things. Watching Mark and Rich attempting to be straight football players was fun all in itself. Ari did one thing with her banana during her banana scene that I lost it at b/c girls (and some guys), you know it has happened to you, and prob more than once! I think maybe too many personal jokes that only people who have done shows with them before will understand, or maybe its because I know 6 out of the 8 performers and the director, but that made it better for me so I�m not complaining! Afterwards it was back to Bogey�s for a bit before heading home.

And on the 7th day I rested. Sunday I didn�t even get out of my pajama�s. Since I didn�t go to bed till 4:30am, I stayed in bed till 2:30pm. I finally dragged my ass out of my room and to the kitchen for a 3:00 breakfast. I made me an eggwhite and alpine lace swiss cheese omelette that I ate on my WW bagel. But I also made me some homefries which were TAAAASTY. Then I sat on the computer and chatted and began work on the program for Eddie�s bowling dinner, watched the Sopranos, showered and went to bed. Not too shabby of a day.

Today is work from 8-4 so I can get out of here for my interview at 4:30. Wish me luck!

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