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2004-03-23 @ 12:59 p.m.

cablevision follow up

Thank you to everyone who wished me luck and such for my interview yesterday. It went pretty well, but like I said last time, it�s so hard to read people on these things. The guy who interviewed me had beautiful eyes, I couldn�t stop watching his lashes. LOL. He explained about the company and the job and asked me the same questions � why am I looking to leave my job, my responsibilities now, blah blah blah. I thought him a little about insurance. I did end up having an actual question at the end that he did not answer � how many people would I be supporting. He said it was good question. LOL. I emailed him a thank you this morning and he actually replied to it �Madelin, Thank you for following up.� I�ve never had that happen before. That was pretty cool of him. He said there were a few more candidates and hopefully he�ll get to meet with the team by the end of the week to know what their next step is b/c this is just the beginning of the interviewing process. Okay. I�ll wait. LoL.
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