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2004-04-19 @ 9:52 p.m.

boys are stupid

So this guy emails me out of the blue. He saw my profile on yahoo and emailed me. I was curious so I emailed him back. This is our conversation today:

He to me: Saw ya in Yahoo Dir....I'm in Rockville Centre.... What goes on?

Me to Him: A lot goes on in a lot of places

He to me: Not hittin' the beach today???

Me to Him: nope. At work.

He to me: So, whaddoya' do?'s a pic...

Me to him: administrative assistant

He to me: Where at? I work in RVC....on Park ave....know where that's at?

Me to him: yes, I know where that is. I work in Melville on Route 110. What do you do.

He to me: Here's my formal signature at work.....

He to me: .....translation.....sales. What kind of company do you work for?

Me to him. Insurance broker. Do you work and live in Rockville Centre?

Him to me: Cool. No, I live in East Meadow....grew up in Ozone Park, Queens. How old r ya'

Me to him: 33. I�ll be 34 July 16th.

He to me: 30 .... October for me....Libra here. R u single?

Me to him: yes. Since you sent me a picture, if you click on the link below you�ll see pictures of me, only I�m a blond now. Just so there are no mistakes.

Me to him (b/c he didn�t respond in a while): Did my pictures scare you away?

He to me: NO. Didn�t you get my email from before? Here is what I said: I saw your pic on yahoo in the first're really cute!'re just my taste

Me to him: No, I didn�t get that email.

He to me: Yeah, I saw your pics before...cute! Holy hit count! over 25,000! I live with my girlfriend. So, how's being a blonde?

Me to him. I�ve been a blonde before, its fun. Let me ask you something, if you live with your girlfriend then why are you emailing me? That�s a bit messed up don�t you think??

He never replied again. LOL.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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