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2004-04-21 @ 9:41 p.m.


Entry #4:

First � MY MOM IS CANCER FREE!!!!! She doesn�t have to go back for 3 more months! Wooo hooo! Whew. I don�t think I couldn�t handled that again this year. I almost cried when she told me.

Then I cried at the end of �The Nanny� today.

Then I cried during some commercial.

Then I ate � a bag of popcorn when I usually get through like 2 handfulls.

Can you tell I have my period. Grrr.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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