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2004-04-22 @ 3:20 p.m.

I'm Audrey - if only I was that thin ... and rich.

I enjoy the fact that I purchased a copy of Randy Newman�s �Faust� from the marketplace and right on the CD cover/liner it says �FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY. SALE OR OTHER TRANSFER IS PORHIBITED, MUST BE RETUNRED ON DEMAND OF RECORDING COMPANY�.

I am also the proud owner of a Rockapella Devil Baby CD! Woo hoo! And I did have to pay a lot of money for it on ebay. Woo hoo! The collection is COMPLETE. I have a copy of EVERY CD that has ever been put out by Rockapella to date (yes, including all the Japanese releases). Only other collection I have is every single original Duran Duran LP (yes, I said LP).

American Idol last night. Interesting. Let me just start by saying I LOVE BARRY MANILOW. (Oh, that was another thing I cried at last night..the end of Barry�s performance on AI). Poor George stumbling between the 2 groups on which one to go to�lol. Did Jennifer Hudson deserve to go last night? No. (Although she killed my favorite Barry Manilow song). Red should have def gone before her. And I hate to say it, Diana as well. She can belt and hold a note, but her soft stuff, well, basically it sucks. MY theory is that people figured that Jennifer, Latoya and Fantasia were gonna be in the top 3 so people 1- didn�t vote at all or 2-gave their vote to someone else they might like who they thought might need some help. I know 3 people who would have voted for Latoya but figured she�s an easy top 3 and didn�t vote at all. See�

I had the greatest salad for lunch � baby greens, walnuts, mandarin oranges, real blue cheese (not the dressing) and balsamic vingerette.

I want an MP3 player/recorder.

And just for fun:

Which Legendary Actress are you?

Is this day over yet?????

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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