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2004-05-04 @ 4:00 p.m.

I love peanut butter cups

Could it be that I haven't updated since Friday??? LOL. So not like me. Anyhooooooss

Friday involved catching a late showing of "Mean Girls" with D, Gina and the Pink Ladies. D turns to me during the preview and goes "this is the LOUDEST theatre I have ever been in". I looked at her and said "we are surrounded by a million teenage girls, of COURSE it's loud". Hehehe.

For some reason I could not sleep Friday night. My mind was raaaaaaaaaaacing so at 1am I took a Tylonel PM figuring that I should still be able to get up and be at the gym for 11:30. Boy was I wrong! I slept till 1pm! And the ONLY reason I even thought about getting out of bed was b/c I had lunch plans with Eddie.

Saturday night I boogied on into the city to meet with Jenn, Paula, Stef and the Stacey's to see Brian Regan at Caroline's. I had never been there before and Jenn and Stef love this guy so I figured sure why not. Expensive night, but fun. I was amazed at how funny he was � and he was totally clean comedy. No sex. No cursing. He had this odd stand/moving around/jumpy thing going on that kinda got on my nerves but otherwise I thought he was hysterical. And we were basically ON the stage (I think Jenn and Stef were LOL). He had 2 guys open for him. One them mentioned something about Where In The World Is Carmen SanDiego�so of course our table started laughing. Dorks that we are. LOL. We even took a small little pitstop at the Hershey store across the street that I've never been to where I tried the Reese's PB cup swoops. Hot dang those are tastey. And I got a keychain with Reese's PB cup lipgloss! Its not the best gloss and it only makes me want an actual PB cup, but its cute and I like it. haha.

Sunday was more glorious sleeping following by a terrible dinner at the Korean restaurant in the CAP mall followed by a very entertaining production of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged" Always entertaining. Big kudo's to Flippy's directorial skills and acting skills and to Frankie! And to the 3rd guy as well even though I don't know him!

Monday I worked, went to the gym, went to rehearsal (where surprise! I'm off stage for the 1st half of "Put On Your Sunday Clothes � although I do get to end the song center stage so I guess it's alright � and all it is walking and crossing � but I learned that the choreographer knows my name, so that doesn't suck), went food shopping, put all the groceries away and passed out.

Today we had our computer man come and de-virus my computer since I got the trojan and some other one yesterday (no, not sasser luckily for me!) and to add some spy software to help. So far so good *knocks on wood*

Tonight I see Dr. Mitch Cooperman at 5:15, then hopefully I can get in a visit to the gym before rehearsal at 7pm. I need to find a Curves on route from Mitch's office to Hofstra�later dudes.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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