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2004-05-05 @ 4:09 p.m.

a rose by any other surname ...

Happy Cinco De Maio me amigos!

Last night rehearsal was pretty cool. I started meeting some new people and chatting up with them. Everyone seems pretty cool. There was one girl who came in for the first time last night and I can just tell right off that I do not like her. She is "miss show off look me I'm the greatest dancer in the whole world". Now don't get me wrong, she could be the nicest person and I haven't spoken to her at all, but she did not make me want to speak to her, know what I mean? Anyhoo, I get to waltz with Mitch for like forever in "Dancing". And glory be we are in the front for a few minutes. Who knew??? LOL.

Broomer and I found a flight with AA for $446 roundtrip including all taxes and fees. Hopefully her mom will book it this afternoon for us (her mom is doing it so she can use some miles for R). So she called the hotel to make sure it wouldn't affect our price (it does, but it makes it LESS woo hoo) and this is part of the convo she had with the reservation guy at our hotel in London.

Hotel: can I have your surname I mean last name?

R: Americans know what a surname is

H: hahaha

H: did you use a travel agency?

R: no we booked it alone

H: so you didn't use an agent?

R: no I made it all by myself

I guess this weekend I'll have to go and get my passport and then we can start booking our tours and such. Yay.

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