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2004-05-18 @ 3:24 p.m.

I am a dainty dove

Sunday Rachelle and I went to Walgreen's to get my passport pictures taken. They were out of film. So we go to another Walgreen's and have them taken. Fine. Yesterday I go to the post office at 4:45 (they are open till 5:30) to find out that you have to go BEFORE 4:00 to get your passport. Fine. Today I go to the PO at 1:30 and I'm told that my pics aren't good b/c they have these 2 yellow lines in the backround and they have to be sold white/gray backrounds. Fine. I go back to my office to get the other set (I got 2 sets b/c we need the same kind of pic for a travel card) to see if those have the lines as well. They do. So I go back to Walgreens have them retake both sets of photos. One set comes out fine, another set has to be redone b/c it grew that line again. Fine. Get my pics and go back to the PO where now there is a line (there was none earlier�grrr). I wait. It is Passport day at the postoffice b/c 3 other people ahead of me were renewing passports. I finally got up and applied for my passport. Whew.

I go back to my office. It's been exactly an hour and I'm relieved I made it with out being late. Then, just as I get about 2 feet before my office door I feel my shoe move, my foot slides off my shoe BAM down I go. My right knee decided to be the martyr and have me land on it first then onto to both my hands (at the exact same time I think) which in reaction is causing pain in both my shoulders. My knee is killing me and I kinda feel a little woosy. I fell HARD people. I am not a small girl and I make a lot of noise when I go down. THANK GOODNESS no one was in the hall to see me. The 2 girls in my office and the 2 girls in the office across the hall heard me. And came running out. I literally fell directly in front of both of our doors. It's actually quite funny. LOL.

Just call me Grace.

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