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2004-06-07 @ 9:07 p.m.

My first day

First day is over and I know I am gonna be so overwhelmed � I already feel it and I haven�t really started yet. I got there 9:05 for 9:30 orientation. That went until about 2:30. After it was over I went to meet with my boss and get my computer set up. There was so much SHIT in my cubicle (yes, I have my own I guess the old secretary hasn�t been there for like 4 months. And they�ve had like temp people in out and the place was a disaster. And my computer wasn�t set up correctly. So while the tech guy was fixing my computer I cleaned as much as I could around the place. Much more livable now, but soooo much more to do. Just going over briefly some of the things I�ll be doing I was overwhelmed b/c I have no clue what 90% of it was. HAHA. But I have to remind myself that I am not stupid and I pick things up quickly and that they would not have hired me if they didn�t think I would b e capable. So. Tomorrow I meet with one of the other secretary�s who is gonna train me a bit in some things. Then my boss is taking me and her to a �welcome� lunch b/c according to him we are going to be working together a lot. Then Wednesday I meet with another secretary to go over other stuff that I will be doing. So. Everyone seemed nice and friendly. My department is all men except for one girl who looks like she is in her late 20�s and in the cubicle next to me. I believe all the men are married, but it doesn�t matter b/c none of them are attractive. HAHA.

And on a sad note: RIP Dan Kristoff.

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