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2004-07-08 @ 12:08 p.m.

So its your fault

So the MATCH guy called me yesterday. I was in a tap rehearsal at a friend�s house when he called so I told him I�d call him back when I was done. We ended up talking for my drive from Deer Park until I walked into the theatre at Hofstra in Uniondale. He asked if I wanted to get together again. I figure why not � ya never know right? Right. We didn�t make a def date yet b/c I was walking into rehearsal but he said we could discuss it later. He sounds pretty cool. One thing I thought was funny was I was telling him I auditioned for Pirates and that I didn�t know if I was in it yet and he goes �Oh. Did you audition for that after you met me?� HAHA. I had to stop myself from laughing. I guess he does like me b/c if I try to interpret that to shreds like any normal girl does (lol) he was upset b/c he knows my free time is basically nil when I do a show and he thought that I wouldn�t want to spend time with him by going for another show. Hehe.

Rehearsal wasn�t so bad last night. We ran thru Act II and I actually didn�t walk out of there wanting to kill anyone. Only bad thing was the fact that I am wearing a BROWN Gibson girl wig in the show. UGH! I pay a lot of money NOT to have that color and the wig guys are putting right back on me. ARG! They �say� they don�t have any blonde wigs, but I don�t believe them (lol). So now not only am I usually in the back and hardly ever seen, but now I will blend in with the other 80% of the cast that has dark hair. Great. On a happier note, I absolutely adore Tom (Cornelius). We started joking around with each other on day one at the read thru when he, Pam (Irene) and I all coincidentally walked in late together. He turned to me after we finished Act I that night and said �great job!� (I don�t have ONE line in the show). HAHA. We�ve been �friends� ever since. Gotta love a good sense of humor. So many people seem to have lost that nowadays and take everything so personally. Maybe that�s why I�ve become such a bitch! It�s everyone ELES�S fault. HAHAHAHA! Oh I kill me.

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