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2004-07-26 @ 9:37 p.m.

I bring you the 15, oy, 10, 10 commandments!

You are The History of the World: Part 1

You just can't make up your mind as to where or
when you are. You like to see the bigger
picture, but remember, not everyone get's to be

Which Mel Brooks Movie Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I forget how many Mel Brooks movies I love! Although I think History of the World and Young Frankenstein still tie for first place in my heart. I used to rush home with my friend Susan every day in middle school where we had the VCR preset to �The Spanish Inquisition�. We would watch it and sing along with every word. Crazy times. LOL.

So lets see�this weekend�Thurs I went with Donna to visit her dad at the rehab. Thankfully I went then b/c the next morning he was back in the hospital and I HATE hospitals. Almost as much as I hate funerals. They make me physically ill. Then we went to our brush where we put Ari in for her one rehearsal as u/s. Hey, at least she got run thru before she went on�and very helpful that she�s done the role before. She did a great job and you would never know she was an u/s.

Friday night was so gross out and I was so tired that I went home after the show.

Saturday I met Linda, Louise, Stef and Stacey at nook and we went to lunch by Louise�s job. Then we had some FABULOUS hot chocolate and pastries at her choc store. Yum. Then I had to get home to go to the show which went really well. D was having a really really rough day with all that is going on so we left the masses of people at Runyon�s an opted for the more quiet diner where Mr. Man joined us. I haven�t spent time with us just by ourselves in a long time and I think we def made the right choice. I went home full and happy and sleepy.

Sunday the show came and went. Nothing exciting except that now we only have ONE more weekend. Thank goodness. Went to dinner with D&J, Ben, Gina, the Valenti�s and Emma. It was really fun. Ben was KILLING me.

Today I was giving a little training and A LOT more work to do now with that. I�m nervous but excited (well excited and scared!) to do it and get started. It will def keep me busy.

I went back to the gym today! Go me!

I�m going to go again on Wednesday before rehearsal. Tomorrow is an hour of dance class, and Thurs I have WW and 2 hours of dance.

Fri night is our cast party.

Sat it better be nice out b/c I just want to float in my pool.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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