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2004-08-06 @ 9:38 a.m.


Ro I went speedating last night through an event set up by Interesting. First of all I�m so glad I went with a friend b/c waiting for it to start and then waiting during the intermission would have been unbearable if I had to do it alone. It is so tiring to talk about yourself over and over and over again. Answering the same questions over and over and over again. You get like 4-5 min with each guy, then the host blows a whistle (usually while one of you is midsentence) and the gets up and moves onto the next girl, you stay in your seat and a brand new guy comes to you. 4 guys didn�t show up last night so every once and a while you got �a break� where you sat by yourself. Which was good b/c then I had time to jot down some notes on the guys before I forgot who was who. I got so bored with myself let alone some of the people. One question I asked the guys was what they did in their free time for fun. I got to meet 13 of the 19 guys. I would say at least 4 of them said �I go to the gym�. I�m sorry, but if you do that for FUN than you are sooooooooo not the man for me! Please. Give me a break what a stupid stupid answer. Arg. Anyhoo. Out of the 13 guys there was one that I could really like and 3 others that I wouldn�t mind seeing again. Usually, from what I�ve heard about speedating, is at the end of the night you hand in your choices and it all gets set up for you. Not this one. We are responsible for taking home our cards and logging on and entering our own choices ourselves. I did mine this morning. I said yes to the 4 guys and maybe to 2 other guys that I didn�t meet but based solely on seeing them across the room (henceforth only the maybe b/c they could be total jerks). So far only 24% of the people there have entered their results so I�ll check back later to see if I match with anyone. What happens is if any of the ones I said yes or maybe to say yes or maybe to me, we are given each others first names and emails and can email if we�d like. Honestly, I don�t expect any of them to match me. And really, the only one I would be disappointed in the first guy I sat down with. Ro liked him as well. He is so not her type so I find it funny that we picked the same guy, cause we never do. Hey, but even if none of them pick me, I�m fine. At least I can say I tried it and it was definitely an experience. Would I do it again? Maybe. One of the guys I said yes to was someone I would probably never even look twice at somewhere else, but when he sat down and talked to me he was really nice and in another place I wouldn�t have even said a word to him. So it�s cool in that aspect. One guy (we�ll call him GB) was sooooooooooo gay. And he was there with a friend (we�ll call him GBF) who was about 4 guys behind him. When his GBF got to me he was so busy looking for GB and watching GB. It was hard not to laugh and say �why are you and your gay boyfriend here?� LOL.

Anyhoo, that was my experience with speedating. I�ll let you know if any of them chose to take a chance on the wonderful person that is me.

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