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2004-08-27 @ 9:51 a.m.

My milkshake is better than yours

Well, we ran Pirates without stopping last night. We are def still a work in progress. I honestly think most of our problems stem from how poorly Dan is playing the music. He has no concept of the show and tempo�s. The cast has worked really hard to enhance and add to and build on what Denise has given us. The girls have worked several times on our own. I know the Police have def worked together and pulled their act together and look really good now. The costumes are fabulous. There is only one piece of the set that I do not like � the Dawson�s Creek dock. 1st problem: it just looks like crap. 2nd problem it�s not wide enough for anyone to do anything on. 3rd problem is that I am constantly afraid that the heel of my character shoe is going to get between the boards and I�m going to go down and get hurt b/c my foot will be stuck. And 4th, did I mention I think it looks like crap?

I have soo much to do this weekend before my trip. I have to go and get all my savings out of one bank. I have to go to the bank where my checking is, open up a savings account and link it to my checking and deposit the money there. I need to tell my bank that I am going on vacation so that they don�t shut my card off for fraudulent activities. Same deal with my credit card. I need to put away the clean clothes that are still in my hamper so I can put the dirty clothes in there and then do laundry. I need to go get another pair of white tights (that was for the show, not the trip). I need to make copies of my all my ID and bank cards. I need to go thru all my stuff and make sure I have everything I need so I�m not doing it at the last minutes on Wednesday. I need to go to the pharmacy and pick up all my meds � which has been a pain in the ass b/c I have to get a vacation over ride to get my drugs a week earlier than normal. And I still have to do 2 shows and a BBQ. AND try to see Rocky which I have yet to see Jeannine and Kenny in all summer and this Sat night will be my last chance.

OH, my friend Jenn showed me last night and I had to share (this is especially for Ruperta): /P>

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