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2004-08-30 @ 5:07 p.m.

Texas has a whorehouse in it.

My title has nothing to do with entry - that was just for Jenn and Paula.

Pirates opened. It was much better than I thought it was going to be. Could it be better? Hells yeah. Could it have been much worse�oh heeeeellllls yeah. I love my 1st act costume. I have the best hat. The act 2 set is really cool except that the steps are not locked onto the archway so its not fun walking over and down them. At least I only do it twice. I had friends there on Sat night that said I stole the show when I was on stage. That they couldn�t keep their eyes off me b/c I was hysterical. That is always good to hear, especially when you are giving so much on stage and not knowing what is working and what is not. It�s nice to finally hear what is working.

After we went down to Bogies for a few with Denise before Tara and I went back to watch Rocky Horror. We ended up sitting with Chris Gordon which was a nice little surprise for me. I still do not like Rocky at all. It�s just not fun to me. I don�t know. Although Mark is hot. Dman. He always was even when I knew him yeeears ago when he was a skinny little thing. With the softest lips. I love my Mark and so glad to hear him so happy. I got to see Jeannine and Rich and Kenny for like 2 seconds after the show before I had to go home and crash.

Sunday was a 30 person audience day. My mom came to see Donna as Ruth and was so cute when she gave D a standing O. Go mom! I felt bad that I couldn�t go out with her afterwards. We then all headed over to Madame Stage Managers�s beautiful house and backyard for a party. There was lots of food, lots of laughs, and lots of �water being squirted. LOL. Good fun insanity. M knows how to throw a party I tell you!

Got home at about 11:45, watch 6� Feet Under while talking to Jenn, Susan and Ang on line about the Pella show this weekend and then I went to bed. I had to get up 30 min earlier b/c I am working 8:30 to 5:30 mon tues and wed, and 8:30 � 12:30 on Thursday to make up the hours for leaving at 12:30 on Thursday.

3 more days till LONDON!

OH, and if you have acrylic nails and you get marker on them, take a little Fantastik and it rubs right off!

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