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2004-09-27 @ 10:19 a.m.

catching up

Wow, almost a week since I put in a real-ish (hehehe..T-Cat) update.
Nothing very exciting happened during the week.

I rejoined WW and gained 2 lbs! Haha.

Went back to the gym 2 times last week.

Started tap and ballet class (YAY for Mara joining with us!) and I worked REALLY hard in both classes. It felt good. I miss dance class.

I already mentioned Friday�s big party night for me (hahaha).

Saturday I helped my mom and dad bring all the furniture and stuff back in from the garage into the dining room and back room. We just got new floors in both room (kudos� to my parents for not picking out hideousness) so now we had to bring in everything and go thru it and throw stuff out, etc. Then Sat night I made the WW Hearty Chili and the WW 0 point veggie soup. I know I def put too much cabbage in, but oh well. The broth tastes soooo good. And my chili, although I haven�t tasted it yet smells glorious. YUM. I heart food.

Sunday we had our first of 2 shows of Pirates..and it was one of our best I think. It was BRUTALLY hot in the theatre, and we hadn�t done the show in the week. So everyone was fighting the heat to keep up our energy and it made us all give a little more I think. Although some people may have fought a little too hard � The Nook came and saw the show and they made me a sign!!! During curtain calls they held up a poster board size sign that said �We Heart Madelin� with my pic on it! It was so cool! Yay for my friends. I heart them right back! Donna and went to the diner with Jerry and some peeps who came to see the show (her bday twin, Martino, my fav chef Eric and ChrisTimson), but we RAN out of there in 30 min (b/c we thought we had a 7pm show) to find out it was a 7:30 show. So we all sat back stage and waited�and waited. And no one showed up. It was 7:15 and the Y people weren�t there setting up. At 7:30 we are told it is cancelled. We hear that someone at CAP knew it was cancelled like 2 weeks ago. Interesting since NO ONE WHO WAS ACTUALLY INVOVLED WITH THE SHOW FUCKING KNEW! Now normally I wouldn�t care. I�d be like whatever, it�s a Sunday night I can go home. But Jenn would have come to the 3pm show if there was time to hang out afterwards. I could have hung out with the girlies from the Nook after the show. I wouldn�t have had to rush and eat � a salad b/c I wanted to spend a few seconds with my friends. Just rude, annoying and unprofessional. I mean come on! You don�t tell the director or stage manager that the show is cancelled. Instead 42 people sit around in a fucking HOT theatre b/c the A/C system has been shut down waiting and waiting. Oh and by the way, audience members were once again complaining how unbearably hot it was in the theatre. That�s gonna bring the people back. LOL. So Donna and I packed up our stuff and joined Tom and Pete for a drink down at the bar. Lisa and Geno were supposed to meet us, but they didn�t show up. We found out why when we left the bar and saw them still in the parking lot in front of CAP. They were with Lisa�s parents, but then Geno dropped his keys after he opened the car and couldn�t find them. Donna and helped searched and D found them under his front drivers seat. The day is saved and I headed home to chat it up some with Jenn and some other peeps, watch a little TV, read some of my book (which dang I left HOME) before going to sleep.

Today 4 out of 6 of my bosses are in CT until about 2:30-ish. Yay. Then I get to go to the dentist where I get to hear crap about one of my molars chipping and now it may be a cavity. Good times.

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