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2004-12-20 @ 2:28 p.m.

weekend update

Yay for fun weekends!

I had a date Thursday night with Robert that went really well.

Friday night was Rich�s party which I was thinking of bailing on b/c my tummy was upset all day, but at the last minute decided to still go. I had a really nice time and I�m glad I did go. People keep telling me how much they love my LJ! Haha. I am glad I am entertaining!

Saturday was Christmas Carol and on the way home I finished up my Christmas shopping. I had one last thing to buy today at work, which I have done already and wooo HOOOOO I�M DONE!

Saturday night was Broomer�s annual holiday gathering which is always fun. I think this year was my favorite so far b/c it was just the core group of us (minus Mel who was out of town). The group of us have not all been together in one room without anyone else in such a long time. I actually got a little misty at one point when we were all sitting around the living room doing the �white elephant� grab bag. It was such a wonderful feeling being there. Here are some pictures

Sunday was another Christmas Carol. Now I don�t know what show I was doing..but it certainly was not Christmas Carol. For the Fezziwig song, the only words I got correct were �Mr Fezziwigs annual Christmas Ball�. The first 2 verses were just disaster after disaster. I was humming, I was la-la-ing, I was flip flopping parts of sentences, I don�t know how I did it with out laughing. I stopped singing when the ensemble joined in on the middle slow section. The 3rd verse I got right (whew) and the ensemble joins me for the final verse. Then it was over. Then during the LA LA scene Ed caught my disease and was off in never�never land. He dropped lines, which were all of Peg�s cues, so she was confused. Then he started singing wrong words in the song and skipping around in the song so I came in on my line to get us back on track and we winded that poor sad pathetic thing up.

I had to go back to Best Buy on Sunday to get tapes for the camcorder. While walking thru the parking lot I see a gift card on the ground. For some reason I picked it up. I got my tapes, went the counter and gave the cashier the card and said how it was sitting my bag forever and didn�t know if it had any money on. He swipes �. $9.14 CREDIT! WOO HOO for me.

Now I�m all wrapped (except for the one thing I got today) and all are accounted for and I�m happy and done and don�t need to buy for anyone else. I did get a little concerned for a moment with this guy Rob b/c we just met and the whole Christmas thing�do I get him a gift? is he getting me one? And all the normal pressure that goes with meeting someone around the holidays. But I think not. I hope he doesn�t feel the pressure/stress/whatever about it either. I mean, we only met 2 weeks before Christmas�that is too soon to be worried about that stuff.

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