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2002-07-11 @ 12:36 p.m.

Sebastian in Rent!

So last night I went to see my friend Sebastian in Rent. He's been a swing for about 2 mo now and from 7/5 - 7/17 he plays Roger, then he's Mark for 4 shows and back to regualar swing after that. All I can say is that he was INCREDIBLE. He got us house seats (4th row DEAD center). Seb was sooo good. I had no idea he could sing like that! I couldn't keep my eyes off of him (thank goodness I had seen the show already once before!) I am so proud and jealous and the same time. He's still the same sweet boy though. He's 25, cute as a button, sweet as can be, talented, single, straight...but damn him, he's got a It's still is nice to see a friend living a dream...what a rush!
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