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2002-08-01 @ 10:16 p.m.

Catching up

Wow, I really suck at keeping a diary.

So, since my last entry:

I turned 32 on 7/16. Me and a few friends went to dinner at On The Border. Rick and Eddie were both there (interesting) and they both gave me the same thing for my birthday, a gift certificate to Payless Shoes. I found that very amusing. LOL.

On 7/18 I had my gallbladder removed. It was very broken and had to go. I never thought the surgery would hurt as much as it did, but thanks to demerol and perkaset (sp?) I got thru the night. First time I ever spent the night in the hospital since the day I was born. Donna, Jerry and Rick all came to visit me that night looking as pretty as I did with the oxygen tube in my nose and the IV plugged in my hand. PRETTY ME! I was out of work until the following Wednesday and I've slowly been getting back into my regular routine. Tonight was my first night back to exercising since the week before my surgery...I'm pooped and my muscles hurt, but I know it's a good pain.

Footloose is almost over - 8/4 is the last performance - and then no more shows until 9/13. That's 5 whole free weekends! I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do with myself! Next weekend (8/9) I'm gonna go to Jenn's and watch some movies (she doesn't who Colin Firth is and I'm gonna change that! HUMINA) and then Sat night we are going to see Sean Altman. Should be a fun weekend. I haven't seen her since Ann Arbor in June :(

AND I've begun rehearsals for Oliver! The musical director paid me a nice compliment the other about how I had a great sound and was giving exactly what he wanted for the part (I'm Mrs. Sowerberry the wife of an undertaker - who is played by my friend and my best friend's husband Jerry). I think we are gonna to be very enterataining if I may say so myself. The production is going to ROCK. They are renting the sets from a professional Opera house and the sets come with a set tech director. And I think they are going to rent a lot of the costumes also. I hope it comes out as great as I think it will.

Well, that about brings you up to speed with my life right now. I'm missing the freebie Pella shows this weekend. I'm not happy about it, but they will be in Staten Island on 8/17 (a last minute show that we found out about) so I 'll get to see them then instead of waiting until November. Yeah.

Okay. Time to go obsess over Colin Firth a little bit more! lol.

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