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2002-08-07 @ 12:46 p.m.

boys are stupid

Rick came home Sat night from Florida where he was for the week. I hadn't seen him since the night of my surgery, like 2 1/2 weeks. That is the longest we have gone without seeing eachother since we met. LOL Anyhoo, he got home like 1am on Sat night/Sun morning so he didn't call (which was good), but he did call me as soon as he was up and about on Sunday afternoon, but I was at the final performance of Footloose. And for some reason after the show I didn't think to check my v/m until lik 6:45pm and by then it was too late to call Rick back b/c he had rehearsal. When I told Rick that I hadn't checked my messages all day, he seemed a little insulted by this b/c he said "well, you knew when I was coming home, right?" And I said "yeah, I just didn't think about it." Well, what the heck does he want? He said he wanted to just be friends, so he better sit back and fucking relax b/c I AM NOT going to end up in another situation with him like the one with Eddie. He did however want to hang out for a while and talk since we hadn't in a while so we just went to Bogie's (the bar in the strip mall with CAP) and had a couple of drinks and talked. We walked back to our cars and like always, he is hesitant to leave. He always finds something else to talk about or to show me or something to postpone saying goodnight. I just don't get it.

And now the two of them are bugging me out everytime I'm on the phone with one of them in front of the other they are all "hey, tell (him) I say Hi". What is that all about? It's very weird how they both started off so jealous of each other and now they are "buds". UGH. I just don't understand what the heck they are all about.

Just friends is good. Although it is very hard for me to keep that in check from going backwards to more then friends back to just friends....ugh.

Boys are stupid.

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