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2002-11-26 @ 11:23 a.m.

Jeff & Harry Potter

I don't have many dreams that I actually remember. Sometimes I only remember segmants of dreams. Last night was one of those nights.

Jenn and I (sorry Paula and Brigid and Stef you weren't in my dream with us) were at Arlenes Grocery (but it really wasn't, but it was). I go up to Jeff and I put my hand on his chest and say "oh my G-d, did you see Star Wars at the IMAX yet?" He puts his hand on my chest and says "No, not yet". Then he realized where his hand was and I say "You better either be gay or buying me dinner". He pulls his hand away and is all blushing and is like "holy crap, I can't believe I just did that". Then he tells me how they are going to get something to eat now and if I want I am more than welcome to come along and that he's buying. I tell him that Jenn is with me. And he says, well, she can come, (and adds laughingly) but I'm not paying for both of you! And that's all that I remember. HAHA.

OH. I went to a movie BY MYSELF yesterday. On my way home from the gym I passed the movie theatre at like 6:35 and I thought, well, I know there is a 7pm movie (I looked it up earlier just in case), and I've got nothing to do till my 10pm p4p chat... So I parked the car. Went and bought a ticket and some popcorn and a soda and some m&ms (totally defeated the purpose of the and got my self a seat, realized I had to pee. Went potty, came back and enjoyed the movie sitting all by myself. It was weird. But I'm so glad I did it. Whew. Big step for me. I only did it once before, and that was to see Muppets from Space. or Muppets in space - whatever it was. And that was in a small little dingy theatre. This was a big popular theatre I went to - OH, hee hee, I saw Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets in case you are wondering what movie it was that I saw. And I liked it. Could have shortend some sequences and added more informational scenes, but, you gotta remember who the target audience is, and it is not 32 year old single women. LOL.

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