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2003-02-14 @ 10:04 a.m.

Valentine's Day

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all my loved ones out there!

I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life...

(all in no particular order)


Mom, Dad, Robert, Kendal, Grandma M, Grandma D., Uncle Tony, Aunt Margie, Mary Helen, Aunt Diane, Uncle John, Darlene, Vanessa, Aunt Mary, Maria, Billy, Keith, Arlene, Buddy, Karen, Jillian, Joseph, Aunt Rita, Uncle Vinny.


Donna, Jerry, Rachelle, Eddie, Maz, Eye, Flip, Carl, Paula F, Sandro, Geri Lyn, Joe, Melissa, Erika, Ta Ta, Frank, Penny, Vic, Jana, Jonesey, Jim, Rick, Rich, Julie, Preman, Peter, Jamie, Jason, Lori, Stoner, Jenn, Paula C, Angela, Amy, Louise, Sue, Stef and Jess.

If I left someone off this list, don't be shy, email me and let me know and I will add you on. Believe me when I say you weren't left off intentionally, it's a risk you take naming names, and I decided to take it!

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