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2003-02-18 @ 8:32 p.m.

100 things about me

Okay, I'm in. 100 things about me:

1. I type with my fingers on the correct keys ALWAYS.

2. I have one younger brother who I get along with very well.

3. I used to teach swimming and was a life guard in a day camp.

4. I am a certified parallegal.

5. I have BA in Music from SUNY Oswego.

6. I have my NY State Insurance Brokers Property & Casualty License.

7. I am slightly claustrophobic(elevators, small rooms w/out windows, people crowed too close to me).

8. I am NOT a morning person.

9. I love musicals. I perform in them. I watch them.

10. My car's name is Felicity.

11. My earliest memory is my mom, very pregnant, reclined in my dad's lazyboy under a gold/yellow cotton blanket. I was about 2+.

12. I was born with jetblack hair and it all fell out.

13. I was born 3 weeks late - 10lbs 22 inches.

14. My first concert was Prince's Purple Rain at Nassau Collesium. I was in 9th grade.

15. I LOVE Survivor!

16. I always try to shake hands with someone when I meet them.

17. Books are always better then movies however...

18. I LOVE movies. Renting them, on tv, going to the theatre.

19. I have been to the top of the World Trade Center, The Empire State Building and The Statue of Liberty.

20. I was a cheerleader in High School. JV (co-captian and MVP) and Varsity (MVP).

21. I have on hiccup every 20 minutes of so. Daily since July 3, 1998.

22. I had my pocketbook stolen out of my locker in 8th grade. It was my white Gear bubble clutch bag with my ONLY pic of the guy I had a HUGE crush on.

23. I love a romantical comedy! My favorite kinda movie. I'm a sap.

24. I wink at people a lot - nonsexually of course, but often.

25. The first thing I notice about someone is their eyes. You can tell so much about a person just from looking into their eyes.

26. I love getting flowers. Any and all. Favorites are Gerba Daises and Sterling roses.

27. I love when someone brushes/plays with my hair

28. My friends rock my world.

29. I sing in the bathroom. Always. Even if its just humming or silently in my head (like in public restrooms). I can't help it. I walk into a bathroom and no matter what I am doing in there, the music begins.

30. I have been part of a three-way. Me and 2 brothers. Just kissing and some light petting.

31. I lost my virginity 2 days before my 16th birthday.

32. My first kiss was behind a cabin at church camp. His name was Ron.

33. I sleep on my stomach or side. Preferably my left side.

34. I get big boogers, and yes, I pick them!

35. I love rollarcoasters.

36. I'm a sucker for packaging. Any product in a cool package and I want it.

37. I love to play video games, however I suck at them.

38. Same with carnival/arcade games.

39. I think Rockapella is the most amazing group to see live.

40. I often think people don't like me and only tolerate my presence.

41. I have 8 piercings - 5 in my left ear and 3 piercings in my right ear.

42. I have a 4 tattoo's - 1 on my outter left thigh, my outter right ankle and 2 on my right shoulder/back.

43. I want to believe that there is a soulmate out there for me.

44. I love reading the horoscopes.

45. My first job was as a assistant teacher/councelor at the summer recreation program in my school district.

46. I worked 2 jobs while attending High School.

47. I almost died when I was born. I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck 3 times and my face was all blue. Had to spend some time in an incubator.

48. I had to wear special shoes when I was younger b/c my right foot turned in too much

49. I had braces for 4 years.

50. I bleached my teeth.

51. I am right handed, but cut my food using a fork and knife like a lefty.

52. Most people think I am a very confident person, but I am really quite insecure and lacking in self confidence.

53. I can sing on a stage in a musical, but not as myself in kareoke.

54. I love beer.

55. I have had 3 surgeries: gallbladder removed, a polynoidal sist removed and had my sinus' drained/sinus passages enlargened/diviated septum adjusted.

56. I've never been overseas.

57. I want to visit all the states in the US.

58. I love road trips.

59. I love kissing.

60. I have a crush on a 17 year old boy (I know, that one is reeeaaallly sick and just wrong).

61. I am waaayy overweight.

62. I love to dance in dance classes.

63. I was in the New York Renaissance Festival for 4 years. 2 years as a singing wench.

64. I still sleep with a woobee (a baby blanket).

65. I prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate.

66. I've taken dance lessons since I was in 6th grade.

67. I played the flute from 3rd grade thru my freshman year in college. I was actually really good. 2nd and 3rd chair.

68. I am too fat to be a plus size model.

69. I love soda. Coke, Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew.

70. I have a herniated disc in my lower back.

71. I want to perform on Broadway.

72. I still live with my parents. But hopefully for not much longer!!

73. Frozen Snickers bars rock.

74. I've done illegal drugs. More than twice.

75. I love my Jeep Liberty.

76. I know nothing about making websites. Although I keep saying I want to learn. I'm just too lazy to teach myself.

77. I find that I am more of a jealous person than I want to be.

78. I love period movies, books and costumes. Specifically Renaissance and Middle Ages.

79. Favorite authors JK Rowling (Harry Potter), Anne Rice (Vampire Cronicles and Sleeping Beauty books), Shannon Kay Penman (English historial fiction), VC Andrews.

80. I flipped my car over once. 1996 Toyota Corolla. I flew in the air, landed on the passanger side, skimmed the roof, flew some more (driver side didn't touch the ground), landed on my tires, back onto passanger side again but b/c I landed in bushes, was pushed back onto my wheels again.

81. I have hay fever.

82. I am allergic to cats and to Mr. Bubble Bubble Bath.

83. I would definately like to get married someday.

84. I have been to Disneyworld #16 times and Disneyland once.

85. I want to go to Hawaii.

86. I want to go to Europe - specifically England, Wales, Ireland.

87. I don't speak any other languages. I took French in High School. And 1 semester of Italian my senior year of college. Don't speak any of it. hehe.

88. I gradutated high school in 1988.

89. I can do a right split and a left split, but not a center split.

90. I've never been skinny dipping, but I have sex in a pool. Twice.

91. I cry at everthing. My parents used to call Ms. Waterworks when I was younger. Commercials, movies, sitcomes, etc.

92. I express all my emotions thru crying unfortunately (happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, scared, ALL OF IT).

93. I don't wear glasses. I am the only person in my family that has not needed at least reading glasses by the time I was 16 *knocks on wood*.

94. I was arrested for stealing a Christmas tree in college. Fingerprinted and mugshots taken. It was a sorority senior thing. We (4 of us got arrested) got off with just fine and we got our fingerprints back.

95. I was in a sorority in college.

96. I've been on 2 vacation cruises.

97. I don't smoke.

98. I believe in finishing a fight that is started (if possible) not walking away from it.

99. I snore if I sleep on my back.

100. I am a klutz and fall all the time. Thank goodness I have not broken anything to date - but I have sprained both my ankles, my left wrist and have many many cuts and bruises and scars from the falls.

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