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2003-02-19 @ 9:52 a.m.

another long survey

Another survey. I should be doing work, but alas, I'm not...hehehe

[Name] Madelin

[Birthday] July 16, 1970

[Zodiac sign] Cancer

[Sex] not recently


[Slept in your bed] me

[Saw you cry] Rich Martino and Rich Hole watching OZ on HBO last week

[Made you cry] person, can't think of one. Thing - HBO's Oz last week.

[Spent the night at your house] last person was Louise about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

[You shared a drink with] Rich and I shared some of his pucnh

[You went to the movies with] Donna, Jerry, Eileen, Rich and Steve - we saw Chicago

[You went to the mall with] Donna

[Yelled at you] prob my dad for something....

[Sent you an email] Rick Lawrence


[Said "I love you" and meant it?] to my family all the time. In person, just once.

[Been to New York?] oh yeah

[Been to Florida?] a few dozen times[California?] once

[Hawaii?] no. but I reaallly want to[Mexico?] yes - Cozumel on a cruise[Canada?] 3 times - Montreal, Niagra Falls, Toronto. Going again this summer to Montreal.

[Danced naked?] no.

[Stalked someone?] hehe...yes

[Had a mud bath?] no but it looks like fun.

[What was the last food you ate?] frozen snickers bar last night


[Laughs the weirdest?] Jerry Maggio - best and weirdest all in one

[Going to have the most kids?] Joe and Mel (once they get going)

[Have you known the longest?] Donna. 18 years and counting.

[Is the loudest?] probably me.

[Is the quietest?] both my friends Paula without a doubt - must be in the name.

[Is the weirdest?] I would say Rachelle (no offence girl)

[Is the funniest?] oh lord. all my friends can be so funny. Rob Jones I'd have to go with.

[Is the moodiest?] ah, that's me again.

[Can you tell most of your secrets to?] Donna and Rachelle.


[Last time you went out of the state] 1/10-11 I was in NJ

[Lucky number] 16

[Things you like in a girl/guy?] similiar interestes, eyes, hands, a good sense of humor, a great personality, friendly.

[Do you have a crush on someone?] yes. should I have one on this person, NO.

[Do they know?] probably, I'm pretty obvious.

[Do you have a significant other?]NO.

[What's his/her name?] woobee. haha

[What do you think of ouija boards?] I think they are fun.

[What book are you reading now?] Just finished the 3rd book in Lemony Snickets's "A Series of Unfortunate Events".

[What's on your mouse pad?] work - plain black

[Favorite board game?] Clue

[Favourite magazine?] Mode (discontinued) and Cosmo.

[Favourite sound?] laughter

[Worst feeling in the world?] being unloved and alone

[What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?] when can I fit in a nap today

[Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters] both! I love rollarcoaster. weeeeeeeeee

[How many rings before you answer?] 1 at work, 1 on my cell, 2 at home.

[Chocolate or vanilla?] vanilla

[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] yes. a dog (Red) from Rich, a turtle (Cecil) and a horse (Humphry) from Eddie, a big white bear from my brother and a purple cough pillow from the hospital (Mercedes)

[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] performer on Broadway

[What is your favourite snapple?] diet raspberry iced tea

[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?] right handed, except when I use a knife and fork, I'm a lefty

[What's under your bed?] a few duffle bags, 2 pairs of slippers, a keyboard, a flute, a box of maps

[Favourite sport to watch] football and figure skating

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