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2003-03-17 @ 1:11 p.m.

St Patricks Day and stuff


Yes mom, I'm wearing a green shirt today! I got the warning at 6:30am from her "Madelin, don't forget to wear a green shirt today! It's St. Patrick's Day and you have Irish in you!!". So here I am in my green shirt. LOL. Gotta love her.

Friday night went to Stingers. It's so nice to be able to hang out in a bar in Nassau County and not go home STINKING of cigarette smoke. My hair and my clothes are still clean when I get home. I love it. Don't get me wrong, I do feel sorry for the smokers, but I like it to much to feel too sorry for them...hehe.

What a fun filled weekend. For all the details, go the diaries of ariawoman and or plaidskies, they both cover it. The list version: Drove to Jersey and hung out with Paula, Jenn, Sue, Amy, Louise and Stef, ate at Champps, had balloon hats to connect us all made for us in the restaurant, went to the pet store to see some puppies and a bunny, walked around a toy store, peed in the Nordstrom 2nd floor womans lounge (which was HUGE), played "Friends" trivia game (came in 4th), talked with Angela on the phone (dman her being in CA), ate some veggies and some cookies and some donuts and drank too much coke, watched Rockapella's "Overexposed" (which I hadn't watched since like June - dman those are bad video's lol), talked and hung out and had fun, played with Jenn's new laptop, slept (very very very little), watched "Someone Like You", shopped at Target (bought sunglasses and sweatpants), ate at Cheescake factory (yes, I had cheescake for dessert) and drove home. So much fun.

Tonight is my first meeting for the lapband surgery. Tonight is a group meeting for pre-banders to find out info, so that's what I'm gonna do, find out some info. We'll see....

Got home last night just in time to watch "Six Feet Under". Gotta tell you, I hope it gets better, because it's not as great as it has been in the past. But, it's only episode 3, so I'll be patient and wait. Oh, I'll still watch it everyweek, but it just seems to be lacking something right now...

Badup badup badup..that's all folks (for right now anyway) ")

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