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2003-03-24 @ 12:10 p.m.

the obsession continues....

Here is a segment of an interview with Terrence Mann and Playbill Online that I found hysterical. I love knowing about backstage antics:

PBOL: What is the funniest or most embarrassing thing that's ever seen happened to you on stage?

TM: When I was doing Les Miz with Colm Wilkinson, there were a couple of times when we'd leave a scene together and we'd walk around to our dressing room. This happens twice. (First) We meet each other, we kind of walk around and chat; then he goes into his dressing room downstairs, waits for about five minutes and then he does the scene with Fantine on the bed when she's dying. The second time we meet, we walk off; he goes into his dressing room to change costumes and I go upstairs. So, one night-we're in New York about six months into the run-me and Leo Burmester, who played Thernardier and was also on that track, the three of us walked around and stood by Colm's dressing room. We were talking about Irish whiskey. Colm doesn't drink, but he's an Irishman so he knows all about Irish whiskey. So he started telling us about all the three different single malts, what they're like and how they're made. And he started taking off his clothes to make that costume change. But it was the wrong time. He thought it was the second rack. He was supposed to just be standing there for about another minute and then go out and play the scene with Fantine. Well, Leo and I were standing there watching him and both of us knew at the same time what had happened. By that time-six months into the run-you're looking for anything to give yourself a giggle. So we just kind of let him continue taking off his clothes until he was down to his underwear and white shirt. By that time Fantine had crawled out of the bed and crawled all the way down to the conductor and was like speaking in tongues. He (Wilkinson) suddenly realized he was supposed to be out there and he started screaming at us and trying to pull his pants up. So, anybody sitting in the audience that night saw Valjean come running out on stage like he'd either been to the local house of ill repute or he'd gone to the bathroom and was buttoning up his pants. It was hysterical!


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