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2003-03-25 @ 10:32 a.m.

Lets all go to the movies

I saw 3 movies this weekend (all rentals).

Finally saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It was funny and there were parts were I was laughing out loud, but, it was not the greatest movie of all times like most people made it out to be. See, that�s the problem with seeing a movie so long after the fact and by yourself in your room � it looses a lot. I still enjoyed it � and John Corbet, well *sigh* is enough said�what a speaking voice.

Unfaithful � DMAN! I loved it. My only complaint � the ending. Tell me what happened, don�t leave me hanging to assume or guess. I get enough of that in real life. I like finales in my escapes from reality LOL. Otherwise I loved it. I am one of those dumb people who never see things coming � well, this one got me! I gasped out loud � heehee.

The Bangor Sisters was just a cute fun movie. Didn�t have to think to much. Didn�t have to pay too much attention. It was great for a late Friday night movie. Goldie Hawn has such a kick-friggin-ass body. DMAN. But, I did realize that her hands look old � very old. Geoffrey Rush was hysterical � haha.

And that all I got right now. Later dudes.

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