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2003-03-26 @ 4:46 p.m.

Can you hear the people sing

YES, free tickets again last night to Les Mis! woo hoo. #5 for me. I found my original playbill (Colm Wilkinson and Terrence Mann. I didn't realize that show opened on broadway in 3/87 and I saw it in 8/87. Go me.

I love Randal Keith! And he's nice and shy and giggly talented as all heck and ..... don't forget Madelin, married. I've never had a crush on a married guy before. Bad. Very bad. Very very very bad. Good thing the show ends in May and he goes back to LA. Whew. (and for all you crazy's out there who think I would ever even THINK about doing anything, believe it or not I do have SOME morals! please. Married is married and no thank you.)

And either I'm starting to learn the words to Javert's songs, or Terrence Mann is annunciating a little more - don't get me wrong - not as clear as the cd at all and still mumbly, but it seems clearer.

4 Fantines- still haven't seen one I liked.

4 Eponines- FINALLY saw the one who is supposed to be playing her now (Dianna somebody). Thank goodnes..someone who could actually SING "On My Own" and could hold her own during the power-trio-ballads. whew. What a relief.

I still need to Mdme Thenardiar.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
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The End ?? - 2005-01-04
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Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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