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2003-03-29 @ 8:19 p.m.

Cancer sucks

So my mom had her one-year scan for her thyroid cancer and she is showing higher levels of thyroid in her blood then she should (whatever that means) - and she has to go back for another round of radiation treatment. She'll find out monday how much she needs. The doc says it should be only a small outpatient treatment, but we have to wait till Monday until the other doctors can look at the results of her scan and see what their diagonosis. My mom is EXTREMELY positive about this whole thing. My dad, he is pretending to be okay, but I can tell that he is not...which only means that he smokes more...which for those of you who know 2 years ago my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and had a 1/3 of his lung removed. This whole thing with my mom got him smoking again. He had just started to cut back again recently. I hope this news doesn't cause him to start smoking more again. He goes into the garage and doesn't smoke in the house. I hate cancer.

On happier notes (G - which is my best note): Hung out with Mazzy last night. We went to dinner at Rigatoni's and they had their special stuffed Rigatoni on the menu! BONUS. We ate, we talked, we hung out. We met Eddie and the crew at Stingers (my Friday night bar) and hung out there. I hadn't spent time with Maz in a long time. It was really nice and I had such a good time.

Today I saw the staged reading of the show Jerry is in. Oh LOOOOOOOOOOORRRRd was it loooooong. It has potential - very similiar to "How To Succeed..." - but was too long. Too many songs and some unesseary scenes and verses. The lead guy was great actor but oh he could not sing. Jonsey was in it so it was great to see him again. He's gonna try to go with me next Fri to see Godspell. "Prince and The Pauper" is planning to return to off-broadway this summer, I'll have to go see it again when I'm not sick and running to the potty to puke every 2 sec.

Um, and thats it.

Gonna see Barry Carl's concert tomorrow.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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