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2003-04-13 @ 1:44 a.m.

Colin Firth rocks my world

Last night I had a really nice dinner with Rich - I enjoy spending time with him and really look forward to us living together. Then I met Eddie and Brad at Stingers to hang for Brad's bday for a while.

Today I had LM rehearsal at 11am which went really well. The costumer does not have the old costume I wore and some ugly one I think she made a while ago that was like 3 sizes too small for me. ugh. Where is my pretty one??? I want that one back. Then I got to take a nap. Naps rock. Then Paula got here and Jenn was stuck in traffic, so Paula looked thru some of my photo albums (I say some b/c I have like a gabillion of them). She looked at 3 theatre books and one (yikes) High School one. Then Jenn finally made it and we went had a dinner and saw a movie. We saw "What A Girl Wants". Paula and I saw it already, but ooo, 2 hours of Colin Firth, YUUUMMMYYY.. that smile of his just melts me and his voice. It's like music to me. I could listen to him read the phone book to me! Then Paula went home and Jenn and I hung for a while and watched Trading Places. Now she's gone home :( because with my mom being sick there wasn't really anyplace for her stay over. Hope Jenn's ride home is faster than her ride here!

Tomorrow I'm going to see Godspell again. Rachelle wants someone to go with her and I got volunteered. I like the show, and hopefully Rich is going to comp me so it's not so bad...just have to get up early on a sunday when I've already had to get up early on saturday....yuck

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