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2003-04-16 @ 11:12 a.m.

Another Survey

I love surveys:

name: Madelin

dob: 07/16/70

location: Long Island, NY

religion: generic Christian

occupation: Administrative Assistant


hair: currently red

eyes: shit brown

height: 5'5"


clothing: depends on my mood - usually jeans/sweats/tees/sneakers/flip flops

music: NOT rap/hard techno-club/country

make-up: compact powder - and depending on my mood: mascara, lipstick, and/or eyeliner

body art: 4 tattoos (dagger w/a rose, cancer zodiac sign, dolphin, butterfly)and the occassional henna when I'm at a fair or somewhere where they have it.

piercings: 2 cartiledge piercings on my left ear, 3 lobe piercings in left ear,

2 lobe piercings in right ear.


wearing: jeans, tshirt, sneakers, long sweater

listening to: general office sounds

thinking of: how I'm not doing work


bought: a bagel and diet snapple icedtea

ate & drank: see above

read: The Making of Pride & Prejudice


kill: Some of the terrorist leaders

hear from: Jason Silverman

look like: a size 8 w/long thick hair

avoid: n/a


touched: my mom

talked to: Leslie - my office mate

instant messaged: Amy

kissed: Chris Russo-Columbus Day weekend

who broke your heart: Matt Rubin for only being 17, Randal Keith for being married...haha..seriously, Eddie was the last guy who broke my heart.


eat: depends on what I'm doing and who I am with.

dance: everywhere- in my room, in dance class, on stage, w/my mom in the living room

cry: in my car, in my bed, in the bathroom

wish you were: so many answers to this...


Dated one of your best friends? Dated, no, slept with, yes.

Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Yes.

Drank alcohol? Yes.

Done drugs? Yes.

Broken the law? Yes.

Ran away from home? No.

Broken a bone? No.

Cheated on a test? Yes.

Skinny dipped? Yes.

Played Truth Or Dare? Yes.

Flashed someone? Yes.

Mooned Someone? Yes.

Kissed someone you didn't know? Yes.

Been on a talk show/game show? No.

Been in a fight? physical-once, verbally-too many times

Ridden in a fire truck? no.

Been on a plane? Yes.

Come close to dying? Yes.

Cheated on your Boy/Girlfriend? just once and I regret it and would never do it again (it was in Jr High)

Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? Yes.

Eaten a worm/mud pie? No.

Swam in the ocean? Yes.

Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? Yes.


The most embarrassing CD in your collection? Honey, there are so many...

Your bedroom like? cluttered but bright colors

Your favorite thing for breakfast? A plain bagel w/butter and chocolate milk.

Your favorite thing for lunch? Soup or a sammich or a salad.

Your favorite thing for dinner? Pasta or steak

Your favorite Restaurant? Rigattoni's (a small italian restaurant on LI that makes a KILLER red sauce)


A Vegetarian? No, but I don't eat alot of meat either

A Good Student? n/a

Good At Sports? I was a kick ass cheerleader

wakeboarding/snowboarding? NO.

A Good Singer? I like to think I am. I think I'm average.

A good Actor/Actress? Yes. but there is always room for improvement.

A deep sleeper? Not really

A Good Dancer? Yes I am

Shy? Usually only around men who I find attractive or very talented.

Outgoing? I try to be

A good storyteller? Mine are always too long and not always as funny as I think they should be.

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