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2003-05-07 @ 10:01 p.m.

I feel pretty

Okay, so if I feel like this tomorrow, it's time for the doctor. Sunday I woke up and was nauseous all day. I ws 1/2 way in my makeup when I had to run to the bathroom b/c I thought I was gonna toss 'em. I made it thru the rest of the show. On the way to Donna's we stopped and got some med for me to take, which helped a little, and I ate, which helped a little, but still didn't feel 100%. The "pressure" in my stomach went a way, but I still felt just blah. Monday I woke up and felt like shit. My tummy hurt, my head hurt, I felt nauseous again - so I stayed home from work. Tuesday felt a little better. The nausea and the pain were gone, but now started my trips to the potty. They eased up as the day went on. I couldn't eat though b/c the thought of eating made me sick. And when I ate just a piece of bread it caused 3 trips to the potty. So knowing I was going into the city, I didn't eat again. Went before I got on the train. Once when we got to the theatre and I literally just made it home in time (I know too much info). Woke up today once again feeling like I've been hit by a car. But I go to work and make it thru, barely. I left at like 4pm b/c I couldn't stand going to the potty there one more time. Came home and slept from 6 - 8:30. I feel slightly better. But not really. I'm gonna go to my doc tomorrow if I still feel like this. OH and top of it, the center of my top lip is swollen. Just the center, about the size of my pinky nail maybe, in a perfect circle. I think it may be a spider bite - and maybe my body is having an allergic reaction to it and thats why I feel like I do. All I know is that it is HIDEOUS.

I feel pretty.

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