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2003-05-08 @ 12:16 p.m.

I feel even prettier today.

So today, I wake up with a full blown cold. Fun.

Not so nauseous though, which is awesome. I feel a little uncomfortable, but I think its actually hunger as it is almost 12:30 and I haven't eaten or drank anything yet. I know not good. And I have to go potty.

The "thing" on my lip is about 1/2 the size it was yesterday, which is good. And is not nearly as uncomfortable and annoying as it was yesterday. BUT (there's always a but isn't there), its got a pretty scab on it. It's not a really DARK one, so it's not as hideous as it could be, but it's still pretty hideous.

And now my face has got some weird little rash/bumps on my right cheeck. They aren't pink or anything so I am really the only one who knows they are there. But since I normally have pretty good skin, its annoying all the same to me. And one pretty red blotchy thing on my left cheek.

I feel even prettier today.

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