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2003-05-15 @ 10:47 p.m.

Woo agazillion double hoo!

This hass been a great day!

First I find out that my boss' wife will NOT be in tomorrow. Woo hoo.

Then I find out that Rockapella will be performing at BBKings in July. Woo double hoo.

THEN the biggest and bestest of the day - Jenn and I get an email thru our Les Mis Randal obsession stating that there are 2 tickets for sale for Sunday 5/18 if we want to buy them. Can we say HOLY CRAP. Of course we took em'! We are going to the show on 5/18! Granted they are literally the LAST 2 seats in the last row of the rear mez, but who cares - get me some binoculars cause we will be there! Can we say Woo agazillion double hoo!!!!!

I'm too excited. Now we need to figure out how we get into the party.....

PS just in case anyone is interested. I do have a lead on 2 more tickets, however, it is thru a scalper and will cost prob cost big bucks... let me know.

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