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2003-06-15 @ 11:28 p.m.

cute boys rule

So Friday night I helped Eileen with her recital, and except for a few �minor� glitches (the music stopping in the middle of a few songs, the stage lights not wanting to shut off and one class not being ready in the wings to go) it went very smoothly. Drop off and pick up went so smoothly. I was in the band room, again. Although this year I got walkie talkie (YAY). The kids weren�t so bad � hehehe.

After the show and some quick hanging out at Fridays, I booked back to my house, packed my bag (which my slacker ass had not done the night before) and was on the road to Jenn�s by 12:20am (10 min ahead of schedule). Got to Jenn�s in like no time, and basically we went to sleep pretty soon after I got there b/c we had get up early to get ready and leave for her ex�s wedding. I had a pretty decent time. Jenn handled the situation so much better than I would have. I don�t know if I could have gone at ALL. She didn�t even seem to well up once. I�m so proud of her. We sat at a table full of cute boys which was helpful ... as was the open bar. Back to the boys: Danny boy who was this cute red head w/a goatee and beautiful blue eyes that were enhanced by his blue shirt (and matching watch). I could have really dug him, but he was so quiet. Jenn and I both tried to converse with him, but he�d talk for a few minutes, and then be all quiet again. Oh well. LJ and Scott were pretty cool. LJ was pretty cool, but you could tell he was a real cocky son-of-a-bitch. But we had fun. Scott was adorable and so nice. He kept talking to me and asked me to dance. He has eyelashes that are like 12 miles long (kinda like Charlies Donna). He is magician and a musician. I really enjoyed talking to him and I felt like he was flirting, but then at the end of night when he was talking with Bob (the groom) he was talking about him and (Meagan) and their trip to California. So does he have a girlfriend? I don�t know. He never said anything to me about a chick. He did give me his card, and told me his personal email address and told me to email and let him know when I�m in a show b/c he wants to come. So, who the heck knows � anywho, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon. That night Jenn and I had Bennigan�s and watched Bring It On and Les Miscellaneous (she hadn�t seen either yet).

Sunday Jenn wanted to go to the mall, and since there is no sales tax in Jersey I was all over it. Got jeans, a light jacket, some undies, and 3 new long sleeve pullovers. Then we chilled at her house for a few till I decided that I should head home. Took me about 1 hour 45 to get home, not too bad considering it�s a Sunday and Fathers Day.

I got like 5 more minutes of Friends and it�s off to bed for me. I�m pooped.

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