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2003-06-17 @ 4:19 p.m.

Boredom IS a bitch

bored bored bored bored.

no work. ugh.

I've come to the conclusion that although I love long hair, I am very happy with my new short hair. It looks so much better and fuller and healthier than my long hair did. And, kudos to kim my stylist, the color and my highlights are kickass! woo hoo!

Going to dinner tonight with Eddie and his dad for Fathers Day. I know, Eddie and I are a messed up relationship..

oo, cute boy just walked in across the hall. Yay for cute boy.

Yay for summer beginning on Saturday...maybe it will actually start getting and staying nice out. I have a pretty busy summer coming up considering I'm not doing any shows.

This Sat is Eddie's bowling dinner, sun is bfast with dad, mon is a randal chat (hehe). Got Pella on the 2nd and then the 5th in Maine. Dance classes start on the 9th (I'm going to take tap and jazz on wed with the younger crowd and tap and ballet on thurs with the older crowd (I fall in the middle somewhere). A TON of bdays in July and August. Gotta go see Greast at Smithtown; Grease, Batboy and Rocky Horror at CAP. Janelle is getting married, but I won't have the $ to go (sad) b/c I'm going to Cali for Labor Day Weekend. Rachel's first bday party. Hair appt. Dentist appt. OBGYN appt. Bloodwork on insulin and thyroid levels. Eye doc appt.

ooo! gonna stamp the mail and start heading out of here.

Later gaters.

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