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2003-06-18 @ 2:37 p.m.

rain rain go away

Alright. The rain NEEDS to stop. The river banks are full. The water supply is high. Enough already. Jeez. The only thing I like to do on rainy days (well, one of the only things..hehe) is to curl up in my bed with a movie on. And since I need to be at work and can�t be in my bed, the rain needs to stop. It�s just, well, depressing at this point. I probably won�t go to the gym now today b/c of the rain. I know it is a poor excuse, but it�s the truth. I just wanna go home and take a nap. OOO, I love naps.

So, I�m ahead of the game on some bday gifts so far. Go me. Jerry, done. Rachelle, done. Paula C, done, Rachel Alexis, done. I still have to get something for Donna and Eddie, but they aren�t until August. I know there are a lot of other bdays in the mix, but we don�t exchange gifts. Too many friends, too little money. But don�t fret, you know y�all will prob get something that I will make for you and at least a card!

SHIT, which reminds me, my brothers anniversary and D&J�s anniversary both passed with out me giving them anything�.Dman.

I didn�t win a free coke when I looked under the cap. That sucks. Stupid codes that I�m too lazy to look up and enter online.

OOO, there is live chat with Randal Keith on Monday for his fans! Yay! I�m so excited! I have to think of what I�m going to say. Although knowing me and my ramblings, I won�t be stuck for long! OO, speaking of Randal, I LOVE this pic of us that Jean took

Well, can�t think of much more to say right now.

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