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2003-08-13 @ 9:52 p.m.


Day 2 without the parents and grandma's! woo hoo.

Work day was long and boring. Dance classes were insane.

So now I'm home and flipping thru the channels and there I see the movie "Possession". Now, I know it's not the greatest movie in the world, but I originally saw it b/c Jennifer Ehle (aka Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice) whom I absolutely adore is in it and she plays the lover of Jeremy Northam (can we say HOT - from anther one of my fav Jane Austin books gone movie Emma - he was Mr. Knightly). Then to top it off Gwyneth Paltrow is in it, who I think is one of the most beautiful and versatile actresses with a kickass British accent for an American - and coincidentally was Emma in the same version with Jeremy). AND it the fourth main character played by Aaron Eckhart doesn't hurt the eyes either. Don't know him, but he is a Q-T. So as I'm watching it, I hear a line that Jeremys character says to Jennifers character. He said to her "You take my breath away." Can we all sigh now. Good lord, imagine someone saying that to you??? One day Madelin. One day. I have to keep telling my self that or I'll go crazy. LOL

Not much more to write about today. Later my babies.

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