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2003-09-15 @ 11:08 p.m.

my dad / Les Mis

My dad is doing great! He had only one of his artery�s blocked. Granted that one was 99% blocked, but they did the procedure and he�s got the thingy in him now and he�s doing just fine. They are keeping him overnight. My mom and I went to visit him for a while tonight � until the Giants game came on and then we left him to watch that. My mom and I went food shopping. $84 bucks. EW. My mom did give me $30 towards it...gotta love shopping with mom!


OH, real snapple fact �131� (this is esp for Ariana): Penguin�s have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater to freshwater.


And one of the regional theatre�s out here is going to be the first on LI to do the high school edition of Les Mis and some of my friends have been cast in it! Congratulations to:

Brianne Boyd (Fantine), Danny Bennett (Marius), Chris Timson (Enjolras), Gina Baez (Mme Thenardier)

I am so excited to go and see it!

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