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2003-09-17 @ 2:43 p.m.

Xmas, BG, pants, Les Mis, weddings, horoscopes and tiara's

First off, I�ve already bought Christmas gifts for people. I know. Very Sick. But sometimes something comes up and you have to get it now. It�s kinda better this way b/c I�ll be spreading out the spending of money instead of spending so much all at once.

BG was v. v. nice to me last night. He didn�t pick on me once. AND I�m in the front for the final pose of Murder � who knew!? LOL. We actually got the whole number blocked. Go us.

I�m wearing v. cool pants today. They are actually sweat pants, but they have the cargo pockets on them so they can pass as regular pants so I look like I�m dressed for work when in actually I am still only in sweats! Yay for that!!

I�m having 2nd thoughts about attending the Les Mis equity call on Friday. My friend was at AEA on Tuesday and there were already 366 people signed up for the call. It�s only Tuesday! Who knows how many will be on the list by Friday. Then there are the equity people who show up that day who didn�t pre-sign up. There are only like 164 aud slots in the day. I just don�t know. I�m going to overnight my headshot and resume to my friend who is going anyway (she works right by AEA) so she can bring it and hand it in, incase I don�t go, if they even collect them. Decisions, decisions.

I got invited to a wedding without a date. I hate that. You feel like such an ass when the slow songs come on and you have to either go to the bar, the potty or sit at your table just watching everyone else get to dance. And then people get into convo�s with other people that you may not be involved in � at least with a date you always have someone to chat with and hang out with. Only good thing about not having a date � I only have to give a cash gift for me and not for two of us. HAHA

Les Mis tour tickets went on sale for the Newark, NJ show in June. I don�t want to put it on my credit card b/c my balance has built up so I don�t really have the money to pay it off right away, and even if it goes on my card, I know me, I won�t pay it and I�ll let it carry over�and then the balance will just build up again. I hate not having money. I don�t need a gazillion dollars � just enough to be able to do the things I want to do. Ya know??

My yahoo horoscope today for love: Today flirting with and seducing your favorite person has never been easier. You just have to spend as long as it takes, slowly going through all the details of your latest research project, one by one, as well as your latest theories that you are about to have published. The cosmos has already arranged for your prey to completely adore you. Really it's that easy! HAHA. Right. Too bad they are all TAKEN!!

My yahoo horoscope today for wellness today gave really good advice: Your basic needs are to eat well, to get plenty of rest, and to exercise. I like it. However

I�m reading �Kiss My Tiara� by Susan Jane Gilman on recommendation from many fellow chiquita�s in dland world. It is rather enjoyable. I rather enjoy her idea of turning back Valentine�s Day to its Pagan roots before the Catholic Church made it a tribute some beheaded Christian and Hallmark took over. �In the 4th Century BC, young men drew the names of eligible young women randomly from a box. Whomever they picked became their companion for �mutual entertainment and pleasure� � Do lovers really need a holiday? When you are in love everyday is potentially Feb 14th. Let the lovelorn get their share of the goodies and attention� Make it a day when everyone gets to feel loved.� I like it � hehe. She makes a lot of good points on a lot of dif subjects. I�ve laughed out loud quite a few times so far.

Alright. I think I�m done � for now�

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