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2003-09-23 @ 4:59 p.m.

row A baby

I got new sketchers. My older ones, which aren�t very old, were starting to wear out on the sides a bit. I walk on the sides of my feet, and not being a size 4, they wear out very quickly, esp going to the gym. I could feel my feet pulling to the outsides when I was on the resistance pads, and that�s just not good. I went to DSW and got a nice pretty blue and gray pair with some sparkly stuff for $48! Not too shabby. Still haven�t found lace up boots for J&H. I better find some soon, we open Oct 4th�yikes.

The water cooler at work leaked overnight and SOAKED � the carpet. And it was all musty smelling�gross. The super came and dry vaced as much as possible up and then I sprayed a light layer of windex over it � which did help eliminate the smell. See I learned something from the movies.

And go ME�I am McGuyver. I fixed the fax machine paper tray with some nail glue and packing tape. LOL

Rachelle and I are going to see the Les Mis tour on Thurs Oct 30th. I emailed Randal and BEGGED him to be in show that�I�ll send a reminder email later hehe. We have front row seats! Woo friggin hoooo! I promised Ro I would not talk too much about him! I can�t thank her enough for going with me. It�s like a 90 min drive and I really didn�t want to do it by myself.

I gotta find friggin boots for J&H�jeeeeeeeeeez.

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