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2003-09-30 @ 1:52 p.m.

two jasons

Not having rehearsal last night was an excellent idea � thank you bg and ky. I altered my main costume so it would fit me properly and not fall off me on stage (yes, that�s happened to me before, and more than once). I know I am fat, but good lord I am HUGE in my costume. Oh well. You will def not be able to miss me on stage. Hahaha. I�m still not sure what I�m wearing for the red rat scene. I have a costume, I just don�t like it. At all. I have to figure something out�I�m sure I will. And if Barbara lets me I have a cute hat I made last time that I didn�t wear that I want to wear this time. Only one costume change. So odd for me. LOL. Well, same thing for Children of Eden I guess � only 2 costumes � and I didn�t have to change back into anything � one costume act I and one for act II. This time I have to change for one scene in the middle of Act I. I love changing costumes. LOL. I know. So stupid, but hey, what can I tell you, I like it.

I took some pics for Jason (Stride in the show) for his headshots for the callboard and the program. Here are the 3 he chose:

(the first one came out grainy here to do my resizing issues LOL)

Now for the issue that is bothering me....A friend of mine from college (M) whom I just recently got in touch with gave me the phone number of another friend of mine (J) from college with whom I have not spoken to in like 10 years. I don�t know if I should call him or not. I mean I want to, but I don�t know. Here�s the story. We lived on the same floor in the dorms for our first 2 years in school and we became pretty good friends. We had a very odd friendship. We never went out or hung out a lot, but we just both knew that if the other ever needed anything we would be the first person there for the other person. He needed a date to a date party, I was his date. I needed to just vent to someone, he was there. Etc. We watched Santa Barbara and Duck Tails and went to dinner together just about everyday with a group from our floor. We just had this special kinda unspoken friendship. He was truly one of my closest friends. Then one night, 2nd semester sophomore year, I was really drunk and something stupid must have happened with some stupid boy and I was waiting at the bus stop to back to campus and crying. The bus stop is outside this other bar where J was. He saw me outside and came out to see if I was okay. Seeing that I wasn�t he totally left his friends and started walking me home. We ran into one of his frat bro�s (J2) whom I was also friends with and his flavor of the week and we all went to the Cabaret together to get some wings. While we were sitting at the table waiting, I was chatting with the chick and I heard J2 turn to J and say �I didn�t even know that you and Madelin were friends.� J said, �You know how you have someone in your life who you really don�t hang out with much but as soon as they need you you are the first person there? That�s us�, and he put his hand over mine. So, we eventually get back to the dorms and we go to the TV lounge on our floor and I don�t remember if the TV was on or not, but we were sitting there and he had his arm around me and I was leaning against him and the next thing I know we are kissing. Then people started coming back to the floor, so we got up and went to his room and I made the HUGE mistake and slept with him. I don�t recall how long I stayed, but I know that I panicked and fled. The next day he would not even talk to me. I knocked on his door and called him and he wouldn�t talk to me. His roommate finally came out and spoke to me and told me that he just doesn�t want to talk to me right now. I cried and tried for like a week to talk to him, but he just wouldn�t. I tried apologizing for running away. I slipped notes under his door. Nothing. Eventually the semester ended, with him still avoiding me and the summer came. The next semester he had failed out of school and wasn�t there for the next year. And I never heard from him. I would ask M how he is was, but I got very short and non-informative answers. My senior year he came back. I was living in my sorority house. We would see each other around, but all I would ever get would be a very short �hi� from him. He would never talk to me. I miss him. Its 10 years later and I still miss him. So now I have his phone number. Not that it makes much of a diff, but M said he�s not married and doesn�t think he�s dating anyone either. I just want to talk to him and hear his voice and know that he is okay and happy.

Anybody have any advice??

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