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2003-10-03 @ 3:21 p.m.

unwanted visitor!

Woke up yesterday with a headache that I still have today. But when I got home from rehearsal last night at 12:30 am I got my period. GRRR.

I was going to go right to bed after I washed my wig and the one that Tony is wearing as the priest in the 2nd act. I decided to check and see if my VCR recorded Survivor�and it did�so I HAD to watch it! Woo hoo. I LOVE that show.

Rehearsal went really well last night. My costumes are all done and complete and working well. Only prop I use is a newspaper in one scene, and Kenny gives it to me. So that�s done. I only have one set change I make � open and close lab doors the first time (what a surprise!) and that went smoothly last night. They made these brand new big sturdy tracks for them to slide on. I felt such a diff last night when I did them. Whew! So tonight is all about just running the show and listening to Bob sing for me. The show ran really smoothly last night. I think we are going to have a really good opening.

Today I took off of work. I prob should have gone in, but I�ve gotten 2 loads of laundry done. Now I�m gonna sign off and go upstairs and put away the wall of clothes that I�ve mentioned here about 750million times that is still in my room. Then put together my makeup case so I know if I need to go and get anything tomorrow. This way tomorrow before opening, I can just relax and sleep and rest so I am FULL of energy for the opening. Especially since it will be day 2 of my period which is always my most listless day. That is kind of worrying me a bit, that I will be lacking energy, esp for the opening. So hopefully I�ll get everything done today and be able to rest tomorrow and avoid that!

So that means I need to get the F off the computer and go do some stuff�.

Later gaters.

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The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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