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2003-10-05 @ 2:40 p.m.


First off � I finally put the wall of clothes away! Woo the fuck hoo!

OPENING NIGHT! Well it went pretty awesome. The house was a decent size � the center was pretty much full and trickled a bit onto the sides. So yeah for that.

I like to do most to all of my makeup at home so that way there�s less for me to do at the theatre. I tend to run late, so this saves me time and gives me a better chance of actually being ready on time when the SM calls places! Hehe.

Dman, Miami just scored! Sorry � football season terrets (sp?).

Anyhoo � I walk into the dressing room and like 3-4 people were like �OMG, you are so beautiful�. I was like �haha! See what happens when I put on makeup!� It felt good to get the compliments b/c I don�t get a lot of them and they def help with my insecurity problems. So I set up my new spot b/c I can�t get to my assigned one b/c we don�t know if the costumer is coming or not and she sits in my spot. Then I go to set up my props. This is when I got a little ticked off. Now, apologizes to anyone who is friends with our SM, but she did not do her job. The coffin was still on the wrong side of the stage and Kenny and I had to carry it around. Then there was no place to put it b/c Jekyll�s study wasn�t set up. So Kenny Tom and me picked up the desk and put it on the cart. Then we ended up putting the wrong chair on the cart (but we didn�t know, we just knew a chair went there and the SM didn�t do it � but Tom caught it before it was too late and changed it). Then I found 2 newspapers just where Tony and I had left the night before not picked up and put backstage, so I gave them to Kenny (he�s the newspaper boy in the show). I don�t mean to sound like a bitch, but that should have all been done last night before we left. At least that what I would have done as a SM. Oh well. What�s done is done.

The show went really well. It felt really good. There were a few technical problems � like missing blackouts � 2 that I know of: when Ted dies in Murder, Murder, there is a blackout so he can get up and run off the stage. Well that b/o never happened and he had to get up in the light and fun causing snickers from the audience breaking the mood. Then at the end of the show Ari said that when she is holding the dead Jekyll�s head in her lap, there was no black out and there is supposed to be one. And I know Jason (Stride) was saying that his mic went out at the top of Murder, Murder. OH, and surprise surprise, the labs doors fell off! HAHAHA! Thank goodness not when I was doing them. I only do the first one � whew. Tom, bless his heart for being there, was banging away trying to fix it. I mean, it wasn�t THAT loud, but it was loud. I don�t know what we are going to do the 3 weekends he is not there. He IS the backstage God.

After the show Matt Rubin ran up and basically squeezed me to death. LOL. Ali went to go hug Kenny so he was like fine, I�m going to hug Maddie�and he did. Gotta love Matt Rubin. And he kissed my cheek twice � I know Eileen is jealous!!!

Jason pulled me over to introduce me to sister and her friend. He and his sister look so much alike. She was great. I want her to come to all my shows. She said to me �OMG! You were the best person on the stage. Well, except for him (pointing to Jason) and Jekyll. I couldn�t stop watching you!� I said, �thank you so much, you may come to every show I�m ever in! And well, you have to like Jason more, he�s your brother and well, I like Bob more so that is definitely okay!� They seemed like nice peeps. I didn�t get to talk to them much and I would have like to. Maybe if she comes again I will try and make a point of it.

The Reyes� were there but I didn�t hear any �ALRIGHT�'s. I told him he has to come back and do it louder next time. Bob heard them though and I guess that�s that matters most! LOL.

And my Rick L came to see the show. Yay. I haven�t hung out with him in sooo long so it was a lot of fun.

Bob hugged me. Woo hoo! We were outside and I turned around and BAM there he was. He grabbed me and hugged me (and not one of those quick squeeze and let go things, but a full-bodied hold) and was thanking me for all that I do backstage. And he was going on about how we all do so much to make the show as good as it is and it wouldn�t be without us. I was like awww. Bob is a mush. LOL. Good hugger. I hate wimpy hugs. Just like a wimpy handshake. If you are gonna do it, commit to it. Hehe.

After the show unfortunately the cast split. Some went to the main event (and I got scolded by Julio and Bob for not going there) and some of us went to Bogey�s b/c we were hanging around to see Rocky Horror and it was already after 11pm. So after 2 beers and 2 shots we were all feeling a little happy and strolled back down to see Rocky. It was me, Eileen, Rick, Tara, Ari, Jeannine, Jana, Elissa, Tony, Jason, Jason�s sister and their friend. We were loud and rowdy and having a great time in the back row. And having partied a bit before the show made it much more enjoyable. I wasn�t going to go to the show, but I saw Mark Cahill back stage and he was like STAY so we can hang out!!! (He was Frankenfuter last night). So I stayed and glad I did. I love Mark. He remembers so much from when we were friend yeeeeaarrrs ago. Too funny. I had a great time with him and Rick after Rocky. And I saw Joe M and Tina who I like never see and got to chat with them for a while. But then it was like 3am and I HAD to go. I was sooo tired.

It was just a really great night over all.

Now it�s Sunday and we have no show b/c of Yom Kippur and I�m just resting and enjoying the day.

Yay for a good friggin weekend.

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The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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