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2003-10-09 @ 3:04 p.m.

new money

2nd entry today:

I weighed in today at lunch so I can just go to the gym and home after work. I feel like I�m coming down with a cold and feel run down, so I just wanna go home, watch some Survivor and Must See TV and go to sleep. I thought for sure the way I ate this past week, and had my period, and stressed over the opening of the show, and drank on Sat night, and only went to the gym twice that I was certainly going to gain. I stayed exactly the same. So, I�m not terribly upset, but I�m not happy either. BUT it was only one week, and today starts a whole new week to do better�. Go me and the positive attitude! See all those years as a cheerleader paid off!! While I was there though I got more of the Fruities candies they have. I got more strawberry and then I saw they had blackberry. Those are really tasty. 12 candies in a pack = 1 point. And they are kinda mushy so you can chew on them a bit so I get more satisfaction out of it then just sucking. I mentally need to chew to feel satisfied, so voila!

Last night Jeff Thacher was in my dream. I don�t remember much about the dream except that we were at a party in this HUGE orange and rust colored room (very fall-ish coloring) and there was like 300 people there. We were all dressed up formally, but I don�t think it was a wedding. There were no tables and chairs. And I kept walking around the room and circulating and like every 2 minutes I would turn around and meet Jeff. We would just give each other this look like � again? � but then move on to another group of people. But then we�d bump into each other again. It kept happening all night long at this party. We were nice and held polite conversation the first couple of times, but it was like I couldn�t meet anyone else because I kept ending up with him. Very weird.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The first U.S. currency note with colors other than green and black went into circulation on Thursday with the purchase of three "I Love New York" T-shirts in bustling Times Square. In a nationwide promotion billed "The New Color of Money: Safer, Smarter, More Secure," government officials said the newly designed $20 note with subtle background shades of green, peach and blue would be more difficult to counterfeit � here�s the AP pic off of yahoo news:


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