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2003-10-29 @ 3:05 p.m.


So Monday, like usual flew by. Yesterday and today feel like the longest days of my life! Goodness gracious! I can�t believe how slow yesterday and today have felt. Somebody shoot me and end this toture!

On a lighter note, I talked myself out of talking myself out of going to the gym again yesterday. I always feel better when I go�it�s just getting there that blows big cahoonas.

I didn�t eat after dinner last night (except for the hot chocolate I made myself) like I usually do so that was good. But, b/c I was late to work due to the assholes who can�t drive in the rain causing 12 million accidents, the flooded roadways, the tracker trailer blocking all 3 lanes, I didn�t eat bfast. I didn�t eat until just now or have any water. I just forgot and I wasn�t hungry. However, my body decided to get dizzy and icky feeling on me, thanks to my border line diabetic shit and I felt like I was going to pass out. Sometimes I�m a dumbass. And you would think that with my convo with Jason about food today I would have thought of eating then. Dumbass.

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